by shawnwilliamspt | Mar 7, 2019 | Uncategorized
“Ice vs. heat what works best?” “Should I use ice or heat for my injury?” “I was using heat but I don’t think it was helping.” “I have been icing it for weeks, but it just makes it numb.” All of these are questions/statements I hear multiple times a week....
by shawnwilliamspt | Feb 14, 2019 | Uncategorized
10 Things to Remember When Preparing for Winter Running 1. Warm-up inside: It is always important to do a dynamic warm-up before a run. During winter it is best to do your warm-up indoors if possible, as it will help you truly get warm before you brave the cold...
by shawnwilliamspt | Feb 5, 2019 | Uncategorized
Knee pain from running is often a condition known as runner’s knee Runner’s Knee, also known as patellofemoral syndrome is experienced by up to 30% of the population at some point in their lifetime. Though more common in females, children and seniors, runner’s...
by shawnwilliamspt | Jan 30, 2019 | Uncategorized
Do you have elbow pain when lifting? This may be a condition known as tennis elbow! So you are experiencing some elbow pain when lifting…Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a common overuse syndrome that causes elbow pain when lifting....
by shawnwilliamspt | Jan 16, 2019 | Uncategorized
Every January, many people will say their New Year’s resolution is to “exercise more”, “get in shape”, “be healthier”, or “lose weight”. While these can be great goals, any exercise-based New Year’s resolution need to be approached with a bit of caution. Whether you...
by shawnwilliamspt | Jan 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
If you are asking yourself why my upper arm hurts when I raise it you are probably suffering from shoulder pain. This type of shoulder pain could be a condition known as Shoulder Impingement Syndrome (IS), also commonly called Subacromial Impingement Syndrome...