The Hidden Causes of Sciatica

As a physiotherapist in Toronto, I can honestly say that there are few words as frequently said in my field as ‘sciatica’. So, then, isn’t it odd how such an every-day ailment can be so shrouded in mystery for most people? In fact, do you really know what it is?...
Why Do I Have Knee Pain With Stairs?

Why Do I Have Knee Pain With Stairs?

The Spring is finally here in Toronto and we are still in Lock down.  Many Torontonians have struggled to stay active during this pandemic due to not having access to gyms, fitness studios, or work out groups.  Many have tried to by adopting new workout opportunities...
Nagging Running Pains and How to Fix Them

Nagging Running Pains and How to Fix Them

Today’s blog is a special entry for all you runners out there. We know you love to run, and we also know you value fitness and health. Running has become, for you, a metaphor for life: determination, mobility, and freedom. And yet, for some of you reading our blog...
How Do I Know If I Have A Herniated Disc?

How Do I Know If I Have A Herniated Disc?

So you reach down to pick something up and you feel a twinge in your back. You start to panic a little, because you remember your uncle who complained about his dreaded herniated disc, and that he was never the same again and that his life has been completely...